====================================================================== IBIS INTERCONNECT MODELING AD HOC TASK GROUP MEETING MINUTES AND AGENDA http://www.eda.org/ibis/adhoc/interconnect/ Mailing list: ibis-interconn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ====================================================================== Next Meeting Wednesday, January 14, 2008 8 AM US Pacific Time Telephone Bridge Passcode 916-356-2663 5 174-3654 LiveMeeting: https://webjoin.intel.com/?passcode=1743654 Agenda: - Call for patents - Opens - Review of clean Touchstone 2.0 copy ====================================================================== Minutes from January 7: Attendees: ---------- (* denotes present) Agilent - Radek Biernacki*, John Moore, Ken Wong Ansoft - Denis Soldo Cadence Design Systems - Terry Jernberg, Brad Griffin Green Streak Programs - Lynne Green Hewlett-Packard - Rob Elliott Intel - Michael Mirmak* Mentor Graphics Corp. - John Angulo*, Vladimir Dmitriev-Zdorov* Micron Technology - Randy Wolff Sigrity - Sam Chitwood, Raymond Y. Chen, Tao Su, Brad Brim* SiSoft - Walter Katz* Teraspeed Consulting Group - Bob Ross* ======================================================================== No patents were announced. Michael noted that, unless the team objected, meetings are to continue weekly until Touchstone 2.0 work is completed. The team reviewed the existing draft and made the following suggestions for changes: - [End] missing "file" on page 24 - [Reference] should appear *after* [Number of Ports] - Fixed position of [Version], options line and [Number of Ports] (in relation to each other) (another way to state it, per Bob's mail): Option D: Fixed order with 4) group any order: 1) [Version] 2.0 2) # Options Line 3) [Number of Ports] (defines N) 4) Any Order: [Number of Frequencies] (Required) [Two-Port Order] (Required if N=2) [Number of Noise Frequencies] (Required if [Noise Data] defined) [Reference] (N arguments) (Optional) [Matrix Format] (Optional) [Mixed-Mode Order] (Optional, requires N arguments) [Begin Information]/[End Information] (Optional Pair for expansion) 5) [Network Data] (Required after all above keywords) 6) [Noise Data] (Required only if {Number of Noise Frequencies] given) 7) [End] (Required as last keyword) The current draft includes an order resulting from a misunderstanding of the last minutes. Bob would prefer required keywords to be higher in the "any order" section, but this is not absolutely necessary. John noted that unnecessary forcing of rules will annoy users with useless parser messages. Michael suggested put this exact text in the doc; Bob agreed, for parser development. Bob noted that he did not like the text listing on page 5, suggesting that the paragraph be revised with list/bullets and ordering information. Bob suggested that the new position of [Number of Ports] should be as *the first* keyword after the options line, to make its position solid. A specific case is Shown on page 9 of the markup draft. Bob objected to having, for rule 7 on page 4, the dash or underbar character at all. The text does not address dash, underscore, etc. as *substitute* for space (this should not be allowed). No underbars are actually used in the text, and the keyword text should be as exactly placed in the document. Radek notes that printed copies may not give enough guidance from the appearance alone. Only one space is used, only one dash is used, ever. Bob noted an inconsistency in the vector matrix font for S-parameters, equations, etc. in the appendix. Walter suggested that 1-2 iterations were needed for a final document. Jan. 30 was agreed as a tentative target. Radek requested a week to pass the document around for comment. ARs Team: Vladimir stated that the document should include two complete separate examples, with as many functions as possible. Michael to obtain GEIA and/or IEEE rules for may, shall, will, must in standards Michael to list out Rob's suggested changes as a bullet list, so that global principles can be settled before deciding.